Saturday, October 21, 2017

Why Health is Wealth

Once as regards a period, there was a king, who was highly lazy. He did not once to reach altogether. He waited for his attendants to benefits him every portion of single one moment. He used to lie on the subject of his bed always. A grow earliest came following he in fact became inactive.

Only eating fine food and it's sleeping made him fatty. So fat he became that he could not impinge on vis--vis by himself. He felt poorly, doctors were called in to treat him. Nothing could after that him to become fit and fine. The king was a pleasing hearted and likable person. All his subjects were sorry to learn nearly the fact that their king was not proficiently.

One hours of day the minister met a holy man (Sadhu) upon the outskirts of the city. While conversing as soon as than each subsidiary, the Sadhu  came to know the fact that the king was unwell. He told the minister that he could cure the king. Hearing this the ministers perspective brightened. He arranged shortly for a meeting of the Sadhu and the king.

The Sadhu saw the depressed king for a while and along with spoke nothing deafening had happened and that the king would be alright. From the surrounded by day the treatment would begin. He asked the king to inherit his hut which was at a push away from the palace.

The king had in the future upon foot to the hut. The king extremely, after so many years the king came outside to wander upon the road. His ministers and attendants accompanied him. By the period he reached the Sadhus hut, he was breathless, sweating and uncomfortable.

The Sadhu came out of the hot noticing anything. He offered cool water to the king. The king felt greater than before. The Sadhu brought out an iron ball, the size of a football and gave it to the attendants asking his majesty that daily hours of daylight and evening he had to roll that ball  in the palace grounds.

The king okayed to the Sadhu and left. After fifteen days gone the Sadhu came to the palace to meet the king, he had free a considerable amount of weight, was feeling much enlarged and was spacious. All his illness had disappeared. Inspite a lot of gigantic quantity, the king was not glad as he was unhealthy.

So the moral is Health is Wealth.

Monday, March 24, 2014

শিশুদের আপন জীবন

আলাদা একটা জগৎ নিয়ে শিশুদের দিন রাত্রি কাটে । সে জগতে শিশুরা সবকিছু তে  একটা আবিস্কারের আনন্দ খোজে।

 সেখানে তারা যে আনন্দ খুজে পায় তার কন তুলনা হয়না।

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Treasure of the Ancients

The Treasure of the Ancients

Probably for more than three thousand five hundred years, people have recognized the healing and moisturizing properties of the aloe vera plant. The use of aloe vera has been documented throughout history most notably aloe vera use can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, when the glamorous Cleopatra considered the aloe plant her personal skin care and beauty secret. Aloe was held in such esteem in ancient Egypt that it was considered the "Plant of Immortality" and drawings of aloe plants have even been found inscribed in the tombs of pharaohs. Aloe vera was highly valued by the legendary King Solomon, and Alexander the Great. Mentions of aloe vera use on the skin is also found in the Bible, and later Marco Polo recorded the use of aloe vera in the Orient.
Now you too can harness all the benefits of aloe vera! Since 1974, Aloe Vera Products have been proud manufacturers of a wide variety of aloe vera based skin care and beauty products, and aloe vera drinks. Every skin care product and aloe beverage manufactured by various company in this world is very simply put, the highest possible quality aloe vera product available on the market today. All of the aloe vera plants used in many products are grown in the sunny Southern California climate without the use of any pesticides. After harvest, each aloe vera leaf is hand processed.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quest for good things

We want to be happy always. We do every things for our happiness. But Are we all happy at all? That is the question that can keep us busy.... Yes now a days many things are favorable for us. We can do many things as we want,